300 grams warm water in a small bowl mixed with 10g yeast and 5g sugar. stir occasionally until bubbly. (no foamy bubble = bad yeast)
while yeast does it's thing 500g flour gets mixed in a big bowl with 5g salt. add bubbled yeast water to flour mix and then knead until it's got that soft like a baby's bum feeling. rub 1t olive oil into a clean bowl. put dough in oiled bowl, cover and rise for one hour. preheat oven (and pizza stone? if you have one) to 500F. split dough into two. add a generous T olive oil to coat each pan and patiently spread dough to cover pans. it may initially seem like there's not enough dough but after hundreds of experiences i'll say you're wrong. (i do weigh both halves out evenly)