most adults are pretty good at recognizing (and avoiding) poison ivy, maybe some kids too. but kids are easily distracted. like when i was exploring a bushy niche and happened upon a wasp nest, got stung maybe twenty times, ran, tripped and fell into a thriving pocket of poison ivy. nice.
as a kid growing up on the east coast you had to look out for two things, dogs and poison ivy. for reasons i can only speculate, dogs on the east coast tend to bite. i was bitten countless times for no apparent reason, no instigation, usually on the ass as i was fleeing the canine. "does your dog bight?" was the standard greeting when encountering a dog owner. bicycle rides really got interesting when a dog chase ensued. because you could quite possibly get the dog bite/road rash combo. i believe this is one reason my brother got quite good at local bike racing. most adults are pretty good at recognizing (and avoiding) poison ivy, maybe some kids too. but kids are easily distracted. like when i was exploring a bushy niche and happened upon a wasp nest, got stung maybe twenty times, ran, tripped and fell into a thriving pocket of poison ivy. nice.
"You're busted." that's what my doctor said after a physical a couple years ago. needed to lose weight, exercise, lay off the beer, salt, fatty stuff. well there's no way in hell i'm giving up the hot lunch. even in the summer when we get up to a scorching high of 72' i'll still make pho for lunch. so i started running again, lost 20 pounds and the hot lunch routine is not in jeopardy. there's nothing elaborate about my hot's just not cold. leftovers usually morphed into something slightly different than the night before with a somewhat consistent cast of characters...habanero, scallions, hoisin, broth, refried beans, freshly picked greens and chives, eggs, bread. hot lunch means eating well with no more than 10-15 minutes of time invested. like adding some of the cast of characters to a ramen bowl. or a sandwich. a grilled sandwich. |
July 2015