my li'l buddies piggin out on granola

pigs on horse pasture. they need something with more protein... maybe soybeans???
"...New and expanding agricultural activities which are consistent with appropriate best management practices (BMPs) as determined by the Director..."
there's more but i think i get the point. the proposed CAO is going to give the county discretion over my farming decisions. they are proposing that if i want to change activities the county will have to approve it...or not (my property has lots of wet land). i can see it now...'so that crazy farmer ibold comes in and wants to plow/grow soy beans/raise hogs within a wet land buffer...haha...dumb idea farmer ibold, the county says stick with horses...'
i say bullshit. my wife and i worked our asses off in seattle for years, listened to the hum of I-5 traffic 24/7, built a successful business and sold it so we could buy a small farm on san juan. a dream come true!!! now some bureaucrats want to scrutinize my (maybe dumb) farming decisions? hell no. absurd. make it right or you're all fired. sincerely, jay ibold
ps also absurd... there's a public comment meeting 8:45am this coming tuesday at the grange. if you have a comment to submit the county would like you to submit no less than 14 COPIES of your comment. it is indeed a return to the dark ages. Steve Jobs RIP, your device of wonder never made it to our local gov.