if you aspire to be fat and you reside in a blue state, worry not. you can order canned skyline chili (cincyfavorites.com). skyline chili is a unique take on a americana classic. it's less viscous than most chili's. i'm told it was first concocted by a Turkish immigrant living in the cincinnatti area, hence the mild but spicey hint of clove/nutmeg/cinnamon/allspice ????...
this shit is awesome on it's own. but serving it on a hotdog is just over the top delicious. chez jay we pick whatever cheap soft hot dog buns that are on sale. then we typically go for Ballpark hotdogs because they're a big juicey weiner that stands up well to the chili. Hebrew National is a good alternative, though a very different experience as this thinner dog takes on a more subtle role from a texture perspective. either way finish these guys with finely grated yellow cheddar and onion.